Read Chapter Six
"Networks for Forming Faith with All Ages" and Chapter Nine "Integrating the Elements into a Lifelong Plan" |
Lifelong faith formation is designed as a network of relationships, content, experiences, and resources—in physical places and online spaces—for children, adolescents, young adults, midlife adults, mature adults, older adults, and the whole family. A network approach transforms faith formation from a provider-centered, program-driven model to a learner-centered model where the content and experiences are designed around the people and where they have control over their learning. In a network model, faith formation shifts from “one size fits all” curriculum and programming to religious content and experiences that connect with people’s spiritual and religious needs.
Chapter Six presents the features of a faith formation network:
Chapter Six also presents a variety of approaches for designing hybrid faith formation programming. A network approach is designed in three modes: gathered programming in physical places, online programming, and hybrid programming that integrates both. Synchronous (real time) and asynchronous (on your own time) offerings expanding the opportunities for people to engage in faith-forming experiences that are responsive to their time, commitments, and availability. Chapter Nine guides you through the steps of designing a faith formation network:
Articles: Networks of Learning
Application: Examples of Faith Formation Networks
We have built two demonstration websites to illustrate what a faith formation network: Seasons of Adult Faith and Family Faith Practice. The two websites are intended as a guide for churches to develop their own network and digital platform for adult formation. The network approach incorporates a diversity of content (programs, activities, and resources), a variety of media (print, audio, video, apps, and more), and multiple environments for engagement (independent, mentored, family, small group, large group, church-wide, community-wide). Each network is developed around the the ten goals of maturing in faith.